Aula Magna Università degli Studi di Milano Via Festa del Perdono, 7
January 27- 28, 2017

Dal sito della Fondazione Menarini, organizzatrice dell'incontro, è possibile accedere, previa registrazione, alle riprese video dell'intera manifestazione.

January 27, 2017

8.30-9.00 Greetings and introduction

Global impact of air pollution
9.00-9.30 The global burden of disease
due to air pollution and its major sources (Aaron Cohen)
Towards a revision of the WHO
Air Quality Guidelines
 (Marie Eve Heroux )

Air pollution, health and disease
10.00-10.30 Respiratory disease (Isabelle Annesi-Maesano)
10.30-11.00 Cardiovascular disease (Annette Peters)

11.00-11.30 INTERVAL

11.30-12.00 How fine particles can influence diabetes: much ado about nothing?
 (Barbara Hoffmann)

12.00-12.30 Childhood neurodevelopment (Jordi Sunyer) 

12.30-13.00 Air pollution and neurological diseases (Anna Oudin)

13.00-14.30 INTERVAL

14.30-15.00 Reproductive health (Marie Pedersen)
15.00-15.30 Effects of air pollution on fragile and vulnerable people (Matteo Bonzini)
15.30-16.00 Health impacts of industrial contamination 
(Francesco Forastiere)

16.00-16.30 INTERVAL

Research on air pollution in Italy
16.30-16.50 Air pollution in Italy: PM10 and PM2.5 prediction of daily data at 1 km grid using satellite data
 (Massimo Stafoggia)
16.50-17.10 Long-term effects of air pollution in the Rome Longitudinal Study: diabetes and neurological diseases
 (Giulia Cesaroni)
17.10-17.30 Health impact assessment of PM2.5 and NO2 in Italy: the VIIAS national study (Carla Ancona)

17.30-17.50 Drug consumption: a new indicator of air pollution
 (Sara Conti) 

17.50-18.10 Health effects of source-realted components of PM2.5 in Emilia-Romagna: the Supersite Project (Andrea Ranzi)

January 28, 2017

Coping with air pollution
9.00-9.30 The situation in Lombardy
 (Pier Alberto Bertazzi)

9.30-10.00 Ambient air pollution in China: health impact and interventions (Haidong Kan)
10.00-10.30 Health effects of air pollution in Poland (Krysztof Skotak)

10.30-11.00 INTERVAL

The role of the community
11.00-11.30 The economic consequences 
of air pollution
 (Edoardo Croci)

11.30-12.00 The interactions between scientists and the community: how to make them more impactful for less air pollution (Anna Gerometta)
12.00-12.30 Is more health research needed to cope with air pollution? 
(Michael Krzyzanowski)

12.30-13.00 General Discussion and Conclusions

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